User licence restricted by the following rules :

The Drouin Institute (Institute) authorizes you to use the content of PRDH-IGD for the sole purpose of doing genealogical research in a personal or professional (certified genealogist) context and only content relevant to your research can be downloaded.

Being a subscriber

When subscribed to PRDH-IGD, it is the user’s responsibility to make sure that he is the sole user of his account.

PRDH-IGD is free to modify the subscriptions and the fees that are associated with them at any time.

PRDH-IGD usage

Subscription to the website entitles you to a number of hits to use depending on the subscription option chosen. A counter makes it possible to follow the consumption of the hits. When the counter reaches 0, the user must purchase a new block of hits to continue using the site.


A Paypal or credit card subscription gives you access to the website as soon as the payment is accepted. When the payment is made by cheque, the subscription is validated when the cheque is cashed.


PRDH-IGD hits are valid for 23 months following their purchase. Once this period has elapsed, the remaining hits will be removed from the account, unless the user purchases a new block of hits before the 23 months have elapsed. If that is the case, the remaining hits from the previous purchase are added to the new purchase, and the expiration counter is reset to 23 months.

Data quality

Because of the size of the database, some mistakes may have occurred, even with all the corrections that have been made over the years. Corrections can be sent to the specified emails.

Modification of the terms of service

PRDH-IGD reserves the right to modify the terms of service at any time.

PRDH-IGD user responsibility

1. Limited user licence of the website

You are licensed to use the content of PRDH-IGD for the sole purpose of doing genealogical research in a personal or professional manner and only content relevant to your research can be downloaded.

You may not use the content of the website for any other purposes. The download of all or large parts of any data or image database is prohibited. The resale of part or the entirety of the PRDH-IGD database (records directory, genealogical dictionary, couples directory) is strictly forbidden without the written consent of the Institute. The use of the PRDH-IGD database to produce a large scale external database, or to feed a large-scale commercial genealogical research enterprise is prohibited. Any use of a program, software, robot/bot or extension to systematically and automatically copy, save or download any element of the website is prohibited. This does not include manually entering information in a genealogy software.

The online publication or the re-publication of the website’s content is prohibited except as unique data elements that are part of a unique family history or genealogy. In any permitted re-publication of content, a reference to the Drouin Institute and the PRDH-IGD website must be given using the following URL : You may not copy, reproduce, publish or share any content from the website without prior written consent of the Drouin Institute.

Any use, copy, reproduction, display, publication, or distribution of the content not expressly authorized hereunder may violate copyright, trademark and other laws. Violation of these terms of service may result in immediate termination of your membership and could result in legal actions taken against you. We reserve the right to prevent you from further access to our services for violating these terms of service.

2. Knowledge of the conditions

Your use of our services indicates that you agree to and understand these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to be bound to these conditions, you must refrain from using our services.

We reserve the right to update our terms of service at any time. You should consult this page periodically to review the current version of the terms. Your continued use of our services after any change has been made to the terms indicates that you accept the changes. If you disagree with any change made to the terms of service, you must cease using our services immediately.

3. Subscription and Security

As part of the registration process, you will select a password and a username. You must also provide the Institute with complete, accurate and up to date information which will be used to complete your subscription and contact you if necessary.

You must immediately notify us by regular mail or by email at of any known or suspected unauthorized usage of your account, or any known or suspected breach of security including loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure of your password or Paypal or credit card information. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password.

You are responsible for all usage or activity on our services via your password. Distribution of your password to other parties in order to give access to our services is prohibited and shall constitute a breach of the terms of service. Any fraudulent, abusive, or otherwise illegal activity may be grounds for termination of your account, at our sole discretion, and you may be referred to appropriate law enforcement agencies.

PRDH-IGD responsibilities

1. Service quality

PRDH-IGD tries to ensure the quality of its service, especially its availability and response time by email or by phone.

2. Content quality

PRDH-IGD has implemented a rigorous processes to ensure a good quality of content.

3. Privacy

Any personal information transmitted to the Institute will be kept confidential and only used as a mean to contact you if deemed necessary.

4. Subscriptions

When using Paypal or credit card, subscribed services are available as soon as the payment is accepted. For payments by check or mail-order, subscribed services are available around 24 hours after the payment is successfully cashed by PRDH-IGD.

5. Receipt

After a Paypal payment or Credit Card payment, the subscriber will receive a receipt. PRDH-IGD will not send any other receipt confirming that purchase, but will send an email confirming the activation of the subscription.

For payments by mail, no receipt will be produced by PRDH-IGD.

6. Limited responsibility

Although we will try to ensure the accuracy and quality of the service, the service is provided on an "as is basis" and (i) we do not accept responsibility for any use of or reliance on the service or content or for any disruptions to or delay in the service; and (ii) we do not make any representations or guarantees regarding the accuracy, reliability, comprehensiveness, completeness, timeliness, quality, currency, error-free nature, compatibility, security or fitness for purpose of the service or content.

Service may be unavailable at any time. Changes are periodically added to the information herein.

Our aggregate liability for damages incurred as a direct consequence of our breach of the agreement shall be limited to the aggregate amounts paid to us under the agreement in the twelve (12) month period prior to the breach.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, under no circumstances will we be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, lost profits, lost revenue, commercial or economic loss, loss or corruption of, or damage to, data, systems or programs or business interruptions) whether based on contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise (whether such loss or damage was foreseeable, known or otherwise), that result from the use or inability to use this site or its content, or for any consequence resulting directly or indirectly from any action you take based on or made in reliance on the content, or on materials or information on other sites linked to this site, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages.


Copyright for the content, whether available for free or by subscription, as well as all intellectual property rights relative to the service, belongs to the Drouin genealogical Institute.

Modifications to the terms of service and to our services

The Institute has the right, at its sole discretion, to modify this agreement or the service at any time in order to take into account changes to the service, changes in law or any other reason which the Institute may deem valid at any time. Changes to our services will be posted on PRDH-IGD or on the Drouin institute website or announced via email.

If any portion of this agreement or any change to this agreement is unacceptable to you or will cause you to no longer be in compliance with the agreement, you may cancel your subscription. Continued use of the service now or following posted notices of changes in this agreement means that you have accepted the changes and are bound by them.


Unsubscription by a member

Any member who wishes for his account to be terminated and his personal data removed from our services may demand so by contacting us at

Account cancellation by PRDH-IGD

PRDH-IGD reserves the right to revoke your license to our services and suspend your right of access if you breach the terms of service. You will be sent a termination notice by email.

Cancellation consequences

After a cancellation, all services associated to the implied membership are cancelled, including its subscriptions.

Whether the cancellation was issued by the Institute or by the member, there will be no refund, partial or total, of any subscription fee.

Email communications

The Drouin Institute assumes no responsibility as for the transmission of emails to the subscribers due to the unstable nature of the available email services.