Contact PRDH-IGD.

To join us.

It is with great pride that we are providing access to the results of work that has extended over more than 40 years. The challenge we faced was daunting: the very wealth of the information to be presented to a clientele of nonspecialists raised many conceptual and practical problems. We have made every effort to provide the information in a way that is accessible and user-friendly without compromising its richness. The current version of the site is a testing ground, and we will no doubt improve things in the light of experience. Therefore, we invite you to send us your questions and comments on the site’s content and on how the site works; your feedback will help us respond better to your expectations.

The genealogical decisions of the data base are the sole and entire responsibility of the Programme de recherche en démographie historique. These decisions were made carefully, according to recognized genealogical principles and rules. Nevertheless, we are aware that errors may exist, in spite of all our precautions. Please send us any information that could complete or correct our data; we will integrate it into the data base if appropriate. But you must be precise in your explanation of facts and supply proof supporting your deductions and conclusions.

Please understand that we do not have the resources to answer questions on specific genealogical problems for which you have not found an answer on the site. We may set up a genealogical consultation service in the future, if demand justifies it.


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1132 rue des Meuniers
Saint-Jacques-le-Mineur, Québec
Canada J0J1Z0

University contact

a/s Bertrand Desjardins
Département de démographie
Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-ville
Montréal, Québec
Canada H3C 3J7