Here are some comments we have received from our visitors...

French visitors

Quel bel outil que le PRDH pour un débutant comme moi qui tente de reconstituer toutes les origines de sa famille. Votre travail colossal m'a permis de retracer rapidement mes ancêtres et mon goût naissant pour la généalogie s'est quintuplé grâce à vos efforts de longue haleine. Je suis même en voie de devenir un accro de cette science, grâce à votre site extraordinaire que j'ai eu la chance de consulter dès mes premières recherches sur le net.

Sans aucun doute le plus important site québécois en généalogie dont la convivialité simplifie les recherches. Vous ne savez pas comment vous avez aidé les amateurs à retracer les informations pertinentes à la confection de leur base. MERCI.

Je suis très heureuse de pouvoir faire mes propres recherches à partir de chez moi et ce, grâce à vous.  Je vous félicite pour votre beau travail.

Je ne voudrais pas que vous me voyiez en ce moment. Je pleure comme un enfant... Il y a tellement longtemps que nous cherchions le lieu d'inhumation de cet ancêtre. C'est un GROS cadeau que vous nous avez fait. Merci! Merci! Merci!

Votre site est très important dans le domaine de la généalogie et nous désirons tous qu'il continue a être un site où les informations sont de qualité supérieure!!!

Je demeure convaincu que le site du PRDH est celui qui aide le mieux les généalogistes qu’ils soient professionnels ou amateurs. Merci à l’équipe pour ce magnifique travail et FÉLICITATIONS encore une fois.

Avec votre service, je pourrais agir comme professionnel en généalogie!

Quel bel outil que le PRDH pour un débutant comme moi qui tente de reconstituer toutes les origines de sa famille. Votre travail colossal m'a permis de retracer rapidement mes ancêtres et mon goût naissant pour la généalogie s'est quintuplé grâce à vos efforts de longue haleine. Je suis même en voie de devenir un accro de cette science, grâce à votre site extraordinaire que j'ai eu la chance de consulter dès mes premières recherches sur le net.

Voilà bien une mine d'or sans pareil. Extraordinaire...l'accès est facile, la recherche simple comme bonjour, et la fiabilité sans reproche. Vous faites un vrai cadeau à tous les descendants de nos pionniers canadiens de la première heure.

PRDH est pour moi comme un livre de chevet il me permet par le biais des presences listées sur les actes d'établir les relations dans la parenté et ainsi faire revivre mes ancetres dans l'histoire de ma famille que je tente d'écrire.

Il est édifiant de noter l'intérêt et la contribution que vous apportez à toute occasion aux chercheurs.

Je dois vous faire part de mon appréciation du travail excellent qui a été fait et il est certain que toute les personnes qui ont pu trouver leur ancêtres sur votre site sont d’accord que votre site est le plus précis et le plus fiable.

Toutes mes félicitations, vous collaborez au patrimoine québécois d'une façon unique.

Je suis très satisfait. Le produit me semble convivial. La base de données du PRDH me semble si bien conçue.

Quelle mine d'or votre banque de données!!!

Merci. Félicitations pour votre travail. Il est très facile d'utilisation, et très bien, structuré. (Pierre T.)

Félicitations pour la qualité du travail effectué et pour l'œuvre qu'est le Programme de Recherche en Démographie Historique de l'Université de Montréal. C'est réellement gigantesque! C'est tout à votre honneur.

Merci encore, j'apprécie beaucoup le travail que vous faites. Ça me sauve énormément de temps et de déplacement.

Votre site est excellent et souvent cité comme la référence en généalogie, merci pour votre beau travail.

Merci et bravo pour votre base, j’y ai trouvé tellement de renseignements.

J'apprécie toujours la fiabilité du PRDH et l'utilise régulièrement. Bravo pour votre site que je fréquente depuis plusieurs années.

Votre travail est impressionnant et d'une importance capitale pour la mémoire collective du peuple québécois.

J'en profite pour vous dire toute mon admiration pour votre travail.

English visitors

"Thank-you for the work done. I was not able to find anything on my family name until I found this site... I will be subscribing shortly and again thank-you for the invaluable information that you have put together. I have passed the URL on to others and the response is total amazement."

"I would also like to tell you what a wonderful research web site PRDH is. The service has helped tremendously. I hope to be able to take my husband on a trip to Quebec City and Montreal to show him where all his ancestors lived now that I know who and where they all were. "

"You folks do a GREAT service and are an IMMENSE assistance to genealogy.

"It is very easy to navigate your web site (and believe me, I really am amateur when it comes to computers) but I did enjoy checking my work, verifying and correcting some of my information and adding to it. "

"The PRDH site is so valuable. The information is excellent and well documented and the computerization is very well done. It is so easy to use.You are doing a wonderful job. I wish English Canada would try to get genealogy information organized more quickly before more records are lost. "

"I must congratulate you on the excellent job of research that you have done. This had to be very difficult to pursue because of all the misspelling of given and last names plus add the dit names.Your site has been invaluable to me in the research of my French Ancestors. My research would not be as complete if it hadn't been for your efforts. "

"I think the PRDH is the greatest genealogy research tool available!! Keep up the good work. "

I think the PRDH should get an award for the most responsible resource that we have available.

Thank you very much for maintaining the PRDH database which has proved invaluable in helping me "discover" my family and my history.

I must start off with a great "way-to-go", for a great site and such accurate information.

Your site is more than excellent, especially for those researchers whom cannot access the original church records easily. Keep up the good work and again I must thank you for putting all this data online.

My best to everyone who works on this site. It is the best sight I have ever been on and you truly have inspired me to continue on my search

Let me congratulate you on an excellent site. Don't know what I would have done without it during my research on my family. Keep up the good work. (R.J., 31-08-2005)

The PRDH Database is a wonderful resource! It has provided access to the genealogical treasures of the Quebec parish registers for those of us who are not French and live at a great distance from Quebec. Further, it has greatly facilitated the process of linking children with parents and other siblings. Thanks to all for the tremendous work involved in such an undertaking. I wish that there were similar undertakings in the United States

I wanted to compliment you on your excellent database. I wish this were available for all provinces. It is easy to navigate and reasonably priced.

Your archives are a wonderful source of information and the data is easy to access. Your site has helped me fill many of the gaps in my family tree. Keep up the good work!

I am once again stunned by what a magnificent resource you have created. The PRDH web site remains a remarkable example of the best possible use of the internet to gather and disseminate information. Bravo!I must also add that as an historian I am entirely envious of you who work on this astonishing project.

I must tell you how much I appreciate all you do. I count my subscription to the PRDH as one of my major blessings

This has been a truly remarkable site and I just cannot commend the people enough who created this

I have to let you know that I think your website is a goldmine of valuable information, and I am thrilled to have found most of my ancestor's information with your help. I knew that most of my ancestry is from France but I had no details. With your information I was able to trace most of my four grandparents' families' back to France, with dates and place names.

I've greatly appreciated access to your database, and am amazed at how well the information is put together.

Greetings from Australia ! Thank you for your prompt reply. It's such a terrific site

Thanks again, and keep up the good work. The site looks great and I look forward to locating some new info from your recent updates. I'm still amazed at what an impressive database this is!

I don't think there is any site as good as the PRDH for accuracy AND responsiveness.

Thank you very much for your help, I could not possibly do the quality of research I am doing without access to your database.

In exploring my family history I have found the PRDH to be an extremely useful resource. The interface is very friendly.

You have a wonderful database here! You must be applauded and I'd pat you on the back if I was near. The speed at which I was able to build the French Canadian lines was absolutely phenomenal.

You have a WOUNDFUL SITE, THANK YOU FOR PUTTING IT ON THE INTERNET, I found over 100 new family members.

Great thanks for your superb data base. I wish every country in the world had such a wonderful resource. You are to be commended.

I am a new subscriber to your database and it is wonderful -- so much hard work makes such good information available to many, many people, and at a very good price!

What an amazing site. It must have been a labour of love.

Merci beaucoup! This weekend, by using the "Couple" information, I was able to find the dates of death and places of death, in the 1800-1848 time period, for over two dozen of my wife's ancestors. That information has eluded me for years, and it would have taken me weeks to examine the individual parish registres sepultures to find the data. The P.R.D.H. saved me much time & effort, and I am very grateful to you for that. The US$19.50 that I spent for my 150 "hits" was the best $19.50 I have spent in a long time!

You have done a tremendous job and the information you provide to the world is PRICELESS! May God bless and keep you always! My family is grateful to you for the pieces of our family history you have given us that we thought were unattainable.

You're one fantastic gang of researchers. PRDH has been a goldmine of information for me, a real novice. If you need any encouragement to keep going, please let me give you some.

You have a great database and I have made extensive use of the information that I have found.

What a marvelous service you provide! I was delighted to learn (quite by accident) of your web site.

I have to say I love using your database-it has helped me so much with my French Canadian ancestors, and is very well organized and so full of detail.

Thank you for all of the work you have completed on French ancestry in Quebec. I think that this work is extremely important for those of us that have spread out of Quebec over generations to other parts of Canada and want to maintain a tie to our past and our culture.

You have a fabulous site and I appreciate what you have done for us Quebecos who have gravitated to the USA!

I thank you for all the hard work your group does and for your courteous responses to our queries. It has certainly made finding my 1266 direct ancestors a lot easier and it has been well worth the money we spend to access the information.

I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how happy I was to find your website. You have saved me so many hours of research. I was able to extend my family back to the 1600's

I don't think there is any genealogical database ANYWHERE that can match PRDH in its scope, completeness, and accuracy. Put it on your early Xmas list - you won't be disappointed.

The PRDH is very, very close to error free. I would always trust the PRDH over any other DB.

PRDH is the best source available.

You have a wonderful database and service. I am recommending it to all who need it.

I would like to compliment you on your web-site. I have found it extremely useful in filling in the blanks on my French-Canadian ancestors. It is quicker and yields so much more information.

I have greatly enjoyed access to your superb database. You've done a great job on a mind boggling subject. Thank you for all your efforts!

I am very grateful for your expertise and I am always asked where I find my information and I am always very happy to pass on your website. I cannot tell you how much your work has been such a blessing to me. After searching for 25 years I found my family through your research. I can never thank you enough! (Linda D.)

I have been using the PRDH for many years now and am very satisfied and always impressed with the work that has been done.

I love your site and find the information to be very accurate and pertinent to my research (Bill H.)

I also want to thank you on behalf of genealogists throughout Canada for the work you are doing.

I would first like to say that the PRDH is the best genealogy resource I have found. It has saved me literally years of work!!!!

And thank you for the wonderful resource! I am finding literally thousands of ancestors!